Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Right Now I Feel Like C.C. Baxter

Right now I feel like C.C. Baxter (Jack Lemmon) in The Apartment (1960). No, I am not having to lend my house out to executives from an insurance company for their trysts. And, no, I am not in love with an elevator operator. I have had a head cold since last week and right now I feel pretty much the way that Baxter did in the movie when he had a cold. It's particularly bad for me because, like Miss Kubelik (Shirley MacLaine) in the movie, I rarely get colds. Anyway, it goes without saying that I also feel like John L. Sullivan in Sullivan's Travels (1941), Zuzu in It's a Wonderful Life (1946), and Paul Bratter in Barefoot in the Park (1967). Characters don't seem to catch colds very often in movies, but when they do, they are doozies.

Anyway, I hope to be feeling better soon and to get back to posting regularly. In the mean time, I do hope all of you are well and stay that way!

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