Saturday, July 13, 2024

IMDB Should Keep the Full Credits (Text Only) Page for Actors, Directors, and Other Crew

In December 2022 IMDB introduced its redesign for Name Pages for actors, writers, filmmakers, and other crew members. Many IMDB users were not happy with the redesign and made their displeasure known on IMDB's support forum and elsewhere. Users' anger was only mollified by the fact that IMDB still had what they now called a "Full Credits (Text Only)" page, which resembled a simplified Old Name Page.

Unfortunately, it appears that IMDB may be doing away with the Full Credits page. On Thursday I wrote my eulogy for Shelley Duvall. I did a Google search so I could go to her Full Credits page on IMDB. Sadly, when I clicked on the search result, I found that the Full Credits page was redirected to the New Name Page. I tried to find some way of circumventing this, but I couldn't find any way to do so. A search revealed an announcement of a redesigned Full Credits (Text Only) page. From the way I look at it, it doesn't look so much like a redesign of the Full Credits (Text Only) page as simply forcing people to use the New Name Page. Fortunately, the Full Credits (Text Only) Page appears to still be available on Chrome on mobile and Vivaldi on desktop (I wound up using my phone for Shelley Duvall's eulogy).

Needless to say, this has once more made IMDB users unhappy. The plain truth is that the New Name Page is much more difficult to use than the Full Credits (Text Only) page. While they have made changes to the New Name Page since its introduction in December 2022, the problem is that they are not enough and the Full Credits (Text Only) page remains far superior. To wit, on the Full Credits (Text Only) Page, in an actor, writer, director, or other crew member's credits, when a television series appears, every single episode that person worked on is listed below it. On the New Name Page, it simply lists the number of episodes the person worked on. The user has to click on that, after which a pop-up appears. Even then, in the pop-up the episodes are listed by season, so that one must do yet more clicking. Quite simply, with the Full Credits (Text Only) page one has no clicks to see what episodes of a TV show a person worked on, while with the New Name Page, one has multiple clicks.

I still honestly do not know why IMDB created the New Name Page to begin with. It is less user-friendly than the Old Name Page. I also do not know why they would want to get rid of the Full Credits (Text Only) page, as the New Name Page is also inferior to it. Users have made it clear that even after about two and half years they still hate the New Name Page and they want the Full Credits (Text Only) page to be kept. The sensible thing would then be to keep the Full Credits (Text Only) page. I have a feeling that if they don't, then people will turn to other sources for filmographies of actors, writers, directors, and so on, such as The Movie Database or even Wikipedia. I know I will. The New Name Page on IMDB is simply too user-unfriendly and too time-consuming to use.


Brian Schuck said...

These high-profile sites are under constant pressure to redesign, but unfortunately the new iterations are almost always inferior, and tend to break functionality that wasn't broken in the first place.

I use a laptop for all of my research and blogging, and I am seeing an increasing neglect of desktop browsers on the part of designers. I can see a future where being online will require a smartphone, at which point, if I'm still kicking, I will retire from online life (that may be in cards anyway...)

Marianne said...

I sometimes land on IMDB for research purposes, but I have always found its format user-unfriendly, as you say. Wikipedia has been my go-to choice for a while now.

Brian: Don't retire from online life! I enjoy your blog so much.

Terry: I already have an idea for the next Favorite TV Show Episode Blogathon, if you choose to host in 2025. I didn't come up with it in time for the 2024 version of the blogathon, but I'm ready for next year!

Terence Towles Canote said...

Marianne, if things keep up at IMDB, I might be going to Wikipedia and elsewhere! Anyway, I'll be doing the Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon in 2025. It'll be the 11th one.

B. said...

They also used to list the credits for archival footage.