
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Some Updates

Tonight I have to admit that I am at a bit of a loss as to what to write about. Sadly, so far this year it seems as if the vast majority of posts I have made have been eulogies, which tend to be my least favourite type of post. I have been told that I am very good at them, but the problem is that in order to write one someone has to die. Sadly, some of my favourites have died so far this year, including Carol Channing, Kaye Ballard, James Frawley, Dick Miller, Julie Adams, Albert Finney, and many others. I have sometimes complained that I don't want A Shroud of Thoughts to become "The Death Blog". Sadly, I think with 2019 it might become just that.

Of course, it doesn't help that I am really not in too much of a mood to write a blog post tonight anyway. It is now only a little over six months since Vanessa died and I am still trying to cope being without her. This was made worse by the fact that my birthday occurred only about a week after the anniversary. I enjoyed my birthday over all, but the fact that she was not in this world to offer her usual birthday greeting was all too obvious. I still miss her terribly.

Anyway, enough of dwelling on sadness. Probably the big news today was that Facebook and Instagram were both down at the same time for literally hours today It all started about 10:00 AM CDT. For myself, I was unable to comment on Facebook for a time and it seemed as if liking posts was hit and miss. It took me three tries to make one post. On top of this, my friends list on my profile wouldn't load at all. Instagram was actually worse than Facebook for me. I couldn't upload any photos and, after logging out, I could not log back in. Fortunately, everything seems to have been fixed a few minutes ago. Facebook has stated that the problems were not the result of a cyberattack, but they haven't said what caused the outage. Many people took to Twitter to vent about the outage. That having been said, I wasn't bothered that much by it. Anyone who reads this blog knows I am not a huge fan of Facebook. While I do like Instagram, I can do without it for awhile! Now a Twitter outage might be a different matter for me...

Here I want to point out that the 15th anniversary of A Shroud of Thoughts is coming up on June 4. It is hard to believe that I have been writing this blog for nearly 15 years. My life has changed dramatically in that time, and yet the blog is still here. I would like to do something special for the 15th anniversary, but I have no idea what it would be.

Lastly, I want to remind everyone of my upcoming 5th Annual Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon from March 22 to March 25. You can read the rules here.

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