
Saturday, January 2, 2016

Announcing the 2nd Annual Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon

Last year I hosted the Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon, in which bloggers wrote about their favourite episodes of their favourite classic television shows. The blogathon turned out to be very successful, so I decided to hold it again this year. This year it will take place from March 25-27.

Here are the ground rules:

1. Posts in the blogathon must be about an episode from a scripted drama. Episodes of reality shows, talk shows, game shows, and variety shows are ineligible. That having been said, posts can be on episodes from any genre of scripted dramas: animated shows, anthology shows, detective shows, police procedurals, science fiction shows, situation comedies, and so on. I also have to say that episodes can be from scripted dramas that aired any time of day. They don't have to be from prime time alone. If one wanted to write about his or her favourite episode from his or her favourite Saturday morning cartoon or daytime soap opera, one could.

2. Because this blogathon is dedicated to classic television and I think a classic is something that must have stood the test of time, episodes must be from shows that are at least 25 years old. That means one cannot write posts on episodes from shows that debuted after 1991 (nothing from Friends, let alone The Big Bang Theory). Now here I want to point out that the episode itself does not have to be 25 years old, only the show on which it aired. Cheers debuted in 1982 and ran until 1993, so that its final seasons aired after 1991. Because Cheers is well over 25 years old, however, one could still write about an episode that aired in the 1992-1993 season.

3. Given my love of British television, it should come as no surprise that posts do not have to be about episodes from American shows alone. Posts can be about episodes from any show from any country as long as the show is a scripted drama and debuted over 25 years ago. If you want to write about your favourite episode of The Saint, The Little Hobo, Jaianto Robo, or Escrava Isaura, you can.

4.  I am asking that there please be no duplicates. That having been said, if someone has already chosen to cover "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" from The Twilight Zone, someone else could still write about another Twilight Zone episode.

5. In keeping with ground rule no. 4, I am asking that if you participated in last year's blogathon that you write about a different episode from what you did last year. That having been said, you could write about an episode from the same show.  If you wrote about the Star Trek episode "Spock's Brain" last year, then you could write about the Star Trek episode "Turnabout Intruder" this year.

6. I am not going to schedule days for individual posts. All I ask is that the posts be made on or between March 25, March 26 , or March 27 2015.

7. On March 25 I will set up the page for the blogathon. I ask that you link your posts to that page. If you want you can use one of the graphics below or make your own!

If you want to participate in the Favourite Television Show Episode Blogathon, you can simply comment below.or you can get a hold of me either on Twitter at mercurie80 or at my email:  mercurie80 at

Below is a roster of participants and the topics they are covering. Come 27 March I will make a post that will include all of the posts in the blogathon.

MovieMovieBlogBlog: Date With the Angels  "Santa's Helper"

Coffee, Classics, and Craziness : Combat! "The Hostages"

Wolffian Classics Movies Digest: Doctor Who "The Tomb of the Cybermen"

The Wonderful World of Cinema: The Saint "The Golden Journey"

Caftan Woman: Maverick "Shady Deal at Sunny Acres"

Cinema Dilettante: Perry Mason "The Case Of The Weary Watchdog"

Once Upon a Screen: The Mary Tyler Moore Show "It's Whether You Win or Lose"

The Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood: Alf "Strangers in the Night"

The Horn Section: The Phil Silvers Show "Hollywood"

Defiant Success: Star Trek "The Trouble with Tribbles"

The Moon in Gemini: F Troop "The Courtship of Wrangler Jane"

CineMaven's Essays From The Couch: The Twilight Zone "Walking Distance"

Old Hollywood Films: The Waltons "The Conflict"

The Second Sentence: The Virginian "Old Cowboy"

Hamlette's Soliloquy: Star Trek "Court Martial"

Barry Bradford--Speaking for a Change Homicide: Life on the Streets "Hate Crimes"

Love Letters to Old Hollywood: I Love Lucy "The Young Fans"

Love Letters to Old Hollywood: Remington Steele "In the Steele of the Night"

Cinema Crossroads: The Andy Griffith Show "Opie the Birdman"

Cinematic Scribblings: The Twilight Zone "It's a Good Life"

Musings of an Introvert: Scarecrow & Mrs. King "The Three Faces of Emily"

The Midnite Drive-In: Taxi "Jim: A Space Odyssey" and WKRP in Cincinnati ""Turkeys Away!"

Just Way Too Boss: The Green Hornet "The Preying Mantis"

In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood: Bewitched

A Shroud of Thoughts: Red Dwarf "Tika to Ride"

Serendipitous Anachronisms: Are You Being Served? "German Week"

Dell on Movies The Honeymooners  "The $99,000 Answer"

The Flaming Nose TV Blog: The Outer Limits "Architects of Fear"

Doesn't She Ramble: The Bionic Woman "Black Magic"


  1. *cheers* I'm so excited for this! Last year's blogathon was a blast, and I was just thinking the other day about what episode I could talk about if you decided to host another one. I haven't decided yet, but I figure I still have plenty of time. :) Can't wait!

  2. Last year I did "Monty Python's Flying Circus," so this year I want to go from the celebrated to the obscure. In 1957, Betty White did a short-lived (8 months!!) sitcom titled "Date with the Angels," and the series did a Christmas episode that I recently saw and liked. May I cover it for your exquisite blogathon? The episode is titled "Santa's Helper."

  3. Steve, I love Date with the Angels! Yes, you can cover it for the Blogathon!

  4. Great, can't wait to post it! I've written it already!

  5. I've decided to write a post about "The Hostages", an episode of the TV show Combat! Again, I can't wait. :)

  6. This year i have chosen to review a doctor who episode as i will review one of my favorite classic serials of doctor who. Tomb of cybermen. Aka joey. Thanks so much

  7. Yay!! I'd like to go with "The Golden Journey", an episode from The Saint. :)

  8. Goody, goody, goody, goody, goody!

    My choice this year is the classic "Maverick" episode "Shady Deal at Sunny Acres".

  9. Oh, this is fabulous! I'll take Perry Mason, The Case Of The Weary Watchdog. ;) (

  10. Oh, this is fabulous! I'll take Perry Mason, The Case Of The Weary Watchdog. ;) (

  11. Obviously, I want in on this one again. :) Since THE PHIL SILVERS SHOW is pictured above, I'll choose a favorite Bilko: "Hollywood", from the first season.

  12. Ah, what the hell. I'll chip in. I'm writing about Star Trek's "The Trouble with Tribbles".

  13. Hi, Terry. Since Melody Patterson's death, I've been thinking I'd like to do a little tribute to her on my blog, so put me down for F Troop, The Courtship of Wrangler Jane.

  14. Hi Terence,

    I would like to post the "Twilight Zone" episode called "WALKING DISTANCE" starring Gig Young. My blog is CineMaven's Essays From The Couch. Thanxx so much:


  15. I'd like to write about The Waltons episode, The Conflict, which guest stars Beulah Bondi. Thanks

  16. I'd like to do The Virginian episode "Old Cowboy."

  17. SOOOOO glad you're hosting this again! Since it's the 50th anniversary year of Classic Star Trek this year, I'd like to write about my favorite Trek ep: "Court Martial."

    (I'll be using my movie/TV blog again, Hamlette's Soliloquy, not my book blog.)

  18. So glad to participate again! I'm going to write about "Hate Crimes" which was episode five, season four of "Homicide: Life on the Streets."

  19. Well, this sounds great! Please put me down for I Love Lucy's "The Young Fans". Actually, could I do two? If so, I'll also take Remington Steele's "In the Steele of the Night". If not, I'll just take Lucy.
    My blog is Love Letters to Old Hollywood (

  20. Hi, Michaela! You can do two if you want. I'll put you down for both.

  21. I was using my old Blogger account when I commented with my entry for the blogathon, so the link/title of my blog ended up being wrong. :P My blog is actually Coffee, Classics, and Craziness -

  22. If it's not too late to join I'd like to do The Andy Griffith Show episode "Opie The Birdman." My blog is Cinema Crossroads:


  23. Can I do "It's a Good Life" from The Twilight Zone? My blog is Cinematic Scribblings: Thank you!

  24. Yay, I'm so happy to see this coming around again! I loved it last year!

    I'm choosing Scarecrow & Mrs. King - The Three Faces of Emily

  25. I'm interested, but I can't decide. Two different TV show episodes that can have me laughing my head off even with the sound off because I know what's happening. Taxi's "Jim: A Space Odyssey" and WKRP in Cincinnati's "Turkeys Away!" Can I cop two for one post?


  26. Quiggy you can do for a two for one post or address each episode in their own post. Either way will work!

  27. Wow, this is such a cool idea! I'd love to join in - I can write a post about The Green Hornet TV series (1966-1967) episode "The Preying Mantis".

  28. Ooh! The first thing that went through my mind was Red Dwarf, inspired choice BTW, but since that's taken, may I join with Are You Being Served? Season 3 Ep 5- "German Week"


  29. Summer, you could still do Red Dwarf, just a different episode! Anyway, I love Are You Being Served. "German Week' is one of my favs!

  30. Oh no, I just re-saw German Week, it is ALL ABOUT GERMAN WEEK at SerendipitousAnachronisms!

  31. This is a great idea for a blogathon. Looking forward to it, big time. I will write about "The $99,000 Answer," an episode of The Honeymooners.

  32. Hi there! Just found out about this -- would love to cover The Outer Limits episode "Architects of Fear" if it's available. Otherwise let me know that I'll pick something else. Our blog is The Flaming Nose TV Blog contact me @flamingnoseTV

    Thanks so much!!

  33. I'd like to participate and post about The Bionic Woman episode Black Magic.

    Doesn't She Ramble

  34. Here's my post on Are You Being Served- German Week. It is a little early, I wanted to make sure I got it in to you in time as it is gonna be a crazy week!

    Thanks for hosting and I cannot wait to read everything!

    Twitter: @kitschmeonce

  35. Hi Terence ~ Here is the link to my post on "The Twilight Zone" which will be live any time on Friday, March 25th. Thanx!

  36. Hey, here are my two entries:

    Thanks for hosting this!

  37. Here's my post: Thank you!

  38. My post is up!!!

  39. My post has gone live:

    Thanks for the blogathon
