
Monday, July 13, 2020

Help Cinema Detroit

If you are a member of TCMParty, the group of Turner Classic Movies fans who live tweet movies on the channel using the hashtag #TCMParty, chances are good that you are familiar with Paula Guthat. Paula co-founded TCMParty in 2011 and remains active in TCMParty to this day. Personally, I count Paula among my closest friends and, in fact, if it had not been for Paula I am convinced that I might not have made it through those dark days following Vanessa's death. Now Paula needs our help.

It was in 2013 that Paula and her husband Tim Guthat founded Cinema Detroit, the only seven day a week arthouse theatre in Greater Detroit. In the past Cinema Detroit has shown movies from classics such as Yellow Submarine (1968) to cult films such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) to big budget, Hollywood blockbusters such as Black Panther (2018). Cinema Detroit is a very important part of its community. It has many loyal patrons who regularly attend the theatre. There are people in the neighbourhoods around Cinema Detroit who  often walk or ride their bicycles in the theatre. Cinema Detroit often has discussions about the films it shows. It provides the people of Greater Detroit with access to independent films they might not be able to see in a theatre otherwise.

Unfortunately, like many brick-and-mortar businesses, the COVID-19 pandemic has made things difficult for Cinema Detroit. While Cinema Detroit has offered movies online through Virtual Cinema Detroit and they are looking into options for drive-in screenings, all of this costs money. All the while, they still have to pay for rent and utilities. If Cinema Detroit is to survive, it needs help from the movie buff community.

To this end, there is the Cinema Detroit Relief Fund at Patronicity. All contributions are tax-deductible. If you are unable to contribute at this time, then please spread the word about the Relief Fund. If you wish to donate to the Cinema Detroit Relief Fund, you can do so here.

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