
Thursday, July 4, 2019

Happy 4th of July 2019

Here at A Shroud of Thoughts it is a tradition to post vintage pinups on holidays. The 4th of July is no different. Here then are this year's selection of vintage pinups.

First up is Adele Jergens, who is setting off fireworks on the beach!

Next up is Gloria Henry, who is getting ready for her fireworks display.

Here is Pamela Tiffin, who is preparing for a loud boom!

Dorothy Arnold is getting ready to launch a rocket!

Myrna Dell is enjoying a relaxing 4th of July.

And it wouldn't be the 4th of July without Ann Miller!

Happy 4th of July!


  1. Is Gloria Henry the same person as the actress who played Alice Mitchell on Dennis the Menace? She looks like her. Ms. Henry (the actress) is still with us today at age 96.

  2. Jon, it is the same person. I'm guessing this pinup goes back to the late Forties, when she was with Columbia Pictures.
