
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Famous 2000th Post

It was 8 years and and a little over 5 months ago that I first started this blog, A Shroud of Thoughts. That brings me to this milestone, the 2000th post. When I first started A Shroud of Thoughts I had little idea of what I wanted to do with it. In the early months it was a mixture of pop culture and stuff about my own life. It would not be long, however, that it would become devoted entirely to pop culture. Not only did I figure that pop culture interested me more than what was necessarily going on in my own life, but I also figured most people would find pop culture more interesting than my rather dull life as well.

Since then I have written about movies, television shows, music, comic books, pulp magazines, radio shows, and web sites, most of them from many years ago. I would suppose, then, that not only did A Shroud of Thoughts evolve into a pop culture blog, but a nostalgia blog as well. My one big regret with A Shroud of Thoughts (and a particularly ironic one since I took the title from a line in Lord Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage) is that I have never written a good deal about literature. Oh, I have delved into the works of Dickens and a few other writers on occasion, but not with any regularity. I have often thought I should rectify that, but so far I never have.

My own life has changed a good deal since I first started writing A Shroud of Thoughts. At the time I started writing the blog I had one job. It was only a few months after I started the blog that I would get another. In the years since then I would quit one job, finding the pace of having two jobs too much, and I would lose my other job when the firm for which I worked closed our local office. My life has changed other ways too. My best friend and fellow pop culture addict died last year. I also published my first book last year, Television: Rare & Well Done. At the moment I am currently working on another one.

As to A Shroud of Thoughts itself, I really don't know what changes might come to it in the coming years. I have no plans to stop writing it any time soon, nor do I plan any drastic changes to the blog (there is an old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"). I would like to delve more into literature, although given the history of this blog I don't expect that will happen any time soon. At any rate, I have to say that A Shroud of Thoughts has done a bit more than give me a platform from which I could write about movies, television, music, and so on. In some ways it has given me a bit more purpose to my life and helped maintain my sanity through rough times. Even when I was unhappy with my job or things were going wrong in life, I at least knew that I had A Shroud of Thoughts to give my life purpose and help through the hard times. After all, if I don't write about the movies, TV shows, and other pop culture artefacts of the past, who will?


  1. Congrats on the milestone!

  2. Whatever the future brings, hopefully we'll see your celebration of the 4000th post one day. (And to be completely greedy - many more after that!)

  3. Congratulations! Keep on keeping on!

  4. Great job, congratulations.
