
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Margaret Lockwood 95th Birthday Blogathon Banner

If you have read this blog in the past two weeks, then you know that I am hosting a blogathon in honour of Margaret Lockwood's 95th birthday. If you want to participate in the blogathon, just leave me a comment here or email me using the handy, dandy email link on the right sidebar (it looks like a little mail slot). Posts can be on any aspect of Miss Lockwood's career. You can write about her career in general, a specific movie or television appearance, or any variation thereof. You can even do a post of nothing but photos if you like. The blogathon will be taking place on the date of her 95th birthday, 15 September 2011.

To go along with the blogathon, I have created a banner for bloggers to use on their posts. If any of you with an artistic bent want to create more banners, feel free to do so. Just email them to me and I can put them up here for people to use! Anyhow, here's the banner: