
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Horror Movie Quiz

I have to apologise for not getting last month's quiz out on time. I can only plead that I was busy and it seemed to me that posts relating to Halloween were of more importance.

For those of you wondering what I am talking about, Beth of the lovely voice laid down a challenge for me at the first of the year. The challenge was simply this: I must create and post one pop culture quiz a month in A Shroud of Thoughts. The quizzes can have a single theme or simply be a collection of random things. At the end of 2008, the reader who has accumulated the most points throughout the year will win a pop culture related prize. For those of you curious about the prize, I decided that it will be a pop culture related key chain of the winner's choice, to cost no more than $5.00 (minus sales tax). The price limit is for the simple fact that I can't afford platinum plated key chains... I'll provide the answers a week from now.

1, What two actors were offered the role of the Monster in the 1931 Universal classic Frankenstein before Boris Karloff?

2, What 1933 movie was based on H. G. Wells' novel The Island of Dr. Moreau?

3. In what 1934 film did Boris Karloff played a devil worshipping villain opposite Bela Lugosi's hero?

4. What was the first horror film produced by Val Lewton?

5. In what film, produced by Val Lewton, did Boris Karloff play the evil apothecary general of an asylum?

6. In what year was Hammer's version of Dracula first released?

7. In what 1968 Hammer film did Christohper Lee play an individual fighting off Satanists?

8. What 1968 movies was originally named Night of Anubis and Night of the Flesh Eaters?

Night of the Living Dead

9. In what 1977 movie did Robert Vaughn provide the voice of an egomanical computer?

10. Upon what novella was Clive Barker's 1987 movie Hellraiser based?


  1. 1) Bela Lugosi & John Carradine
    2) "Island of Lost Souls" (although it's listed as 1932)
    3) "The Black Cat"
    4) "Cat People"
    5) "Bedlam" aka "Chamber of Horrors"
    6) 1958
    7) "The Devil Rides Out"
    8) "Night Of the Living Dead" (Was that your "gimmee", Merc? LOL)
    9) "Demon Seed"
    10) "The Hellbound Heart"

  2. LOL. You're right, Toby, #8 was my gimmee...
