
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Horror Movie Quiz Answers

Here are the answers to the horror movie quiz from last Thursday, October 6.

1, What two actors were offered the role of the Monster in the 1931 Universal classic Frankenstein before Boris Karloff?

Bela Lugosi and John Carradine.

2, What 1933 movie was based on H. G. Wells'
novel The Island of Dr. Moreau?

The Island of Lost Souls

3. In what 1934 film did Boris Karloff played a devil worshiping villain opposite Bela Lugosi's hero?

The Black Cat

4. What was the first horror film produced by Val Lewton?

Cat People, released in 1942.

5. In what film, produced by Val Lewton, did Boris Karloff play the evil apothecary general of an asylum?

Bedlam, released in 1946.

6. In what year was Hammer's version of Dracula first released?


7. In what 1968 Hammer film did Christopher Lee play an individual fighting off Satanists?

The Devil Rides Out.

8. What 1968 movies was originally named Night of Anubis and Night of the Flesh Eaters?

Night of the Living Dead

9. In what 1977 movie did Robert Vaughn provide the voice of an egomanical computer?

Demon Seed

10. Upon what novella was Clive Barker's 1987 movie Hellraiser based?

The Hellbound Heart

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