
Thursday, January 24, 2008

A Power Pop Quiz

As regular readers of this blog probably already know, Beth of the lovely voice laid down a challenge for me at the first of the year. The challenge was simply this: I must create and post one pop culture quiz a month in A Shroud of Thoughts. The quizzes can have a single theme or simply be a collection of random things. At the end of 2008, the reader who has accumulated the most points throughout the year will win a pop culture related prize. For those of you curious about the prize, I decided that it will be a pop culture related key chain of the winner's choice, to cost no more than $5.00. The price limit is for the simple fact that I can't afford platinum plated key chains... By the way, I will provide the answers to the quiz at the end of the month.

Here then is the first quiz. Given that during the first week of the year I posted a series on the history of power pop, I thought that power pop would be a good theme for the first quiz. So here goes, a ten question quiz on the subgenre of rock called power pop.

1. On what television show was America first exposed to The Beatles (clue: it wasn't The Ed Sullivan Show....)?

2. Who coined the term "power pop?"

3. What mid-Sixties American power pop band even outsold The Beatles at times?

4. What was The Raspberries' first hit song?

5. What is Cheap Trick's hometown?

6. What was the name of the band to which Doug Fieger belonged before The Knack?

7. What was the name of Dwight Twilley's hit single from 1984?

8. What Posies song was featured in the movie Reality Bites?

9. The Fountains of Wayne song "Stacey's Mom" was a salute to what Seventies and Eighties band?

10. What do the titles of the parts of my "A History of Power Pop" have in common?

1 comment:

  1. Well, here are the ones I could answer:
    1. American Bandstand
    2. Pete Townshend
    3. I want to say the Nazz but it doesn't seem possible
    4. Go All the Way
    5. Rockford, Illinois
    7. Girls
    9. The Cars
    10. Each post contains a Power Pop song title
