
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Golden Globe Awards 2007

Having volunteered to work Martin Luther King Day, I missed the Golden Globes last night. But from everything I have read, it appears that once more it was a mixed bag. Of course, keep in mind that I have never taken the Golden Globes series seriously (see last year's entry for more details...)

Not having seen most of the nominees for Best Picture--Drama and Best Picture--Comedy or Musical, I can't say that I have any strong feelings about who won and who lost. Indeed, I wasn't surprised that Dreamgirls took the award for Best Picture--Comedy or Musical, considering the hype that has surrounded the movie. I have yet to see Dreamgirls, but I still have to wonder if Thank You For Smoking wouldn't have been more worthy of the award. I am glad that the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HPFA) finally created a category for Best Animated Feature Film, and I have no objections to Cars having won the award (I have yet to see Monster House, although I understand it is quite good).

While I haven't any strong feelings about the motion picture awards, I do have some about the television awards. I have to ask the HFPA in what twisted world is Grey's Anatomy a better show than Lost, House (which wasn't even nominated for Best Television Series--Drama), or 24? I've said it before and I'll say it again--Grey's Anatomy is simply a standard medical drama with a greater quotient of sex. And while I have yet to watch Ugly Betty, which won Best Television Series--Comedy, I have to wonder if it really is better than Entourage, The Office, or My Name is Earl (which wasn't even nominated), the three best comedies on TV today?

Given the fact that I have never taken the Golden Globe Awards too seriously, I shouldn't complain so much about them. But the sad fact is that they do have an impact on both the Oscars and the Emmys. I just hope that this year that effect is minimal...


  1. I was surprised to see BSG missing from the list of TV nominees. I wonder what happened there...


  2. Given the buzz it's been getting, I must admit that I'm a bit surprised, too.
