
Thursday, March 17, 2016

St. Patrick's Day 2016

As many of you know, I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I am not Catholic, Irish, Nigerian, Montserratian, an engineer, or a paralegal, so it would be something like me celebrating Purim (I'm not Jewish either). That having been said, I do enjoy holidays and I enjoy people celebrating holidays even when I don't do so myself. For those of you who are celebrating St. Patrick's Day, then, here is a collection of classic, St. Patrick's Day themed pinups.

First up is Angela Greene and a really big shamrock!

Lucy was actually mostly English in descent, with some Scottish thrown in for good measure, but she did have a little bit of Irish blood!

Ann Sheridan and another giant shamrock!

I hope Ava Gardner didn't sour her luck by bursting through this shamrock!

Peggy Knudsen looking very festive!

And while this isn't a holiday themed picture, one can't get more Irish than the beautiful Maureen O'Hara!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to Those Who Celebrate It!


  1. Lovely ladies and an interesting theory on holiday celebrations. I take it that you don't celebrate St. Valentine's Day either? Just curious. :)

  2. I do celebrate St. Valentine's Day as a day to show my appreciation for the people I love. The reason I don't celebrate St. Patrick's Day is because, at least the way it is celebrated in the English speaking world, it is essentially a celebration of Irishness and I have no absolutely no Irish blood. I do enjoy that my friends have fun celebrating the day though!
