
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Liebster Award Nominees

I recently had the honour of being nominated for the Liebster Award by Mark Means of the blog Left and Write. Mark's blog deals with writing and various other subjects. It is also one of the best blogs out there. Thank you for nominating me, Mark!

As to what the Liebster Award is, it is an award for blogs with under 200 followers that regularly contain great posts. Of course, the way the Liebster Award works is that once nominated, one nominated five other blogs for the award. Ultimately, it's a way of recognising those blogs one really appreciates. Here then are my five nominees:

1, Bobby Rivers of Bobby Rivers TV. If the name "Bobby Rivers" sounds familiar, it is probably because you have seen him on your TV. Bobby was at  one time a veejay and talk show host on VH1 and a host on the Food Network. In his blog  Bobby writes about classic film and television, often drawing upon his own experiences to do so.  I must also say that Bobby's knowledge of classic film is incredible!

2. KC of Classic Movies. KC's blog Classic Movies is about exactly that--classic film. The blog has such regular features as Classic Links (links to websites and articles of interest to classic movie buffs), Classic Birthday (the birthdays of various figures in classic film), and the Quote of the Week. KC also writes on classic film subjects that I have rarely seen covered elsewhere, such as animated shorts, silent film, and pre-Code talkies. I can guarantee if you love classic movies then you will love, well, Classic Movies.

3. Lyndsy of Culture in a Cold Climate. Lyndsy writes about heritage sites in Northern Ireland and always includes plenty of pictures of the various sites she visits. She also discusses the history of those sites.  Mixed in with Lyndsy's posts on heritage sites are book reviews and posts on the Mitford Sisters and other subjects. If you love historic sites or Northern Ireland, then her blog is definitely for you.

3. Toby of Inner Toob. Toby's blog is rather interesting and also unique in that it explores an alternate universe in which everything on television actually took place. Not only is Inner Toob really fun, but it can also be informative as well, as Toby at times goes into the history of television shows. Inner Toob is definitely a blog any television buff would enjoy.

4. Timony Souler of Is This Alt Lit? Is This Alt Lit is first and foremost a blog featuring the poetry of the talented Timony Souler. Timony's poetry ranges from being funny to being touching, and all of it is good. Timony also occasionally posts her thoughts on life and various other subjects. It is definitely a very interesting blog.

5. Lady Eve of The Lady Eve's Reel Life.  Lady Eve covers classic film with the occasional detour into television. Her posts are always well researched with an attention to detail. And she is perhaps the only blogger I know to devote a whole month to the movie Vertigo (1958).  The Lady Eve's Reel Life is definitely worth a look for any classic film fan.

Okay, I am not going to say you have to do this, but it would be nice if the nominees would:

1, Thank your presenter on your blog.
2. Link to the blogger in your thank you message (see above for a possible method of doing so… Props for   being original, if you feel so inclined)
3, Copy and past the award (see below).
4. Present the award to 5 other blogs (with fewer than 200 followers) if you think that they deserve it.
5. Let your nominees know through some means of social media.

You can copy paste your award right here:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, Merc! Once I get home from work in the morning, I'll have to put together the proper post to keep it going. I'm looking at my fellow nominees and I'm in august company - and it's only May!
