
Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ava Gardner!

Today in 1922 one of the most beautiful women ever to live was born. Ava Gardner was not simply any movie star. She was both a sex symbol and a talented actress. She looked as good as Marilyn Monroe (well, better, really) and could act as well as Bette Davis. What is more, she never forgot her roots. She was always a true Southern belle.

Here Ava is in seasonal garb, looking as fetching as ever. I rather think most men would prefer a visit from Ava on Yule Eve than Santa!


  1. If you like Ava, you might enjoy "Ava Gardner: Touches of Venus" (Entasis Press, 2010), an anthology of non-fiction, fiction, and poetry all centered on the wonderful Ms. G...
