Saturday, January 2, 2021

Announcing the 7th Annual Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon

I am announcing A Shroud of Thoughts' sixth annual "Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon". The first six years were fairly successful, so I am looking forward to another year's worth of good blog posts. For those unfamiliar with the Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon, it is a blogathon in which bloggers write entries about their favourite episodes of their favourite classic television shows. This year it will take place on March 19, 20, and 21.

Here are the ground rules:

1. Posts in the blogathon must be about an episode from a scripted drama. Episodes of reality shows, talk shows, game shows, and variety shows are ineligible. That having been said, posts can be on episodes from any genre of scripted dramas: animated shows, anthology shows, detective shows, police procedurals, science fiction shows, situation comedies, and so on. I also have to say that episodes can be from scripted dramas that aired at any time of day. They don't have to be from prime time alone. If one wanted to write about his or her favourite episode from his or her favourite Saturday morning cartoon or daytime soap opera, one could.

2. Because this blogathon is dedicated to classic television and I think a classic is something that must have stood the test of time, episodes must be from shows that are at least 25 years old. That means one cannot write posts on episodes from shows that debuted after 1996 (nothing from CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, let alone Blackish). Now here I want to point out that the episode itself does not have to be 25 years old, only the show on which it aired. Law & Order debuted in 1990 and ran until 2010, so that its final season aired after 1996. Because Law & Order is over 25 years old, however, one could still write about an episode that aired in the 2009-2010 season.

3. Given my love of British television, it should come as no surprise that posts do not have to be about episodes from American shows alone. Posts can be about episodes from any show from any country as long as the show is a scripted drama and debuted over 25 years ago. If you want to write about your favourite episode of The Saint, The Little Hobo, Jaianto Robo, or Escrava Isaura, you can.

4.  I am asking that there please be no duplicates. That having been said, if someone has already chosen to cover "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" from The Twilight Zone, someone else could still write about another Twilight Zone episode.

5. In keeping with ground rule no. 4, I am asking that if you participated in the past years' blogathons that you write about a different episode from what you did the past years. That having been said, you could write about an episode from the same show.  If you wrote about the Star Trek episode "Amok Time" last year, then you could write about the Star Trek episode "The Trouble with Tribbles" this year.

6. I am not going to schedule days for individual posts. All I ask is that the posts be made on or between March 19, March 20, or March 21 2020.

7. On March 19 I will set up the page for the blogathon. I ask that you link your posts to that page. If you want you can use one of the graphics below or make your own!

If you want to participate in the Favourite Television Show Episode Blogathon, you can simply comment below or you can get a hold of me either on Twitter at mercurie80 or at my email:  mercurie80 at

Below is a roster of participants and the topics they are covering. Come March 19 I will make a post that will include all of the posts in the blogathon.

A Shroud of Thoughts: The Wild Wild West, "The Night of the Murderous Spring"  

Realweegiemidget Reviews: Hammer House of Horror, "Visitor from the Grave"

Retro Ramblings: The Twilight Zone, "Will the Real Martians Stand Up"

Dubsism: The Rockford Files, "Drought at Indianhead River"

Caftan Woman: Barney Miller, "Fog"

Films From Beyond the Time Barrier: The Outer Limits, "O.B.IT."

Crítica Retrô: Alfred Hitchcock Presents, "Into Thin Air"

A Scunner Darkley: Dark Shadows, Episode 702

Hamlette's Soliloquy: The Andy Griffith Show, "The Haunted House"

Moon in Gemini: Mork & Mindy, "Mork Runs Away"

Whimisically Classic: Gilligan's Island, "Don't Bug The Mosquitoes

John V's Eclectic Avenue: Thriller, "The Grim Reaper"

Coffee, Classics, and Craziness: Mission: Impossible, "Submarine"

Taking Up Room; Red Dwarf, "Forward Backward"

Another Old Moive Blog: Decoy, "Fiesta at Midnight"

Smoke in the Library: The Adventures of Superman, "The Stolen Costume"

Elisabeth Grace Foley: Stagecoach West, "The Remounts"

In the Good Old Days of Classic Hollywood: I Love Lucy, "LA At Last"

18 Cinema Lane: Kids Incorporated

MovieRob: Amazing Stories, :The Mission;" China Beach, "Pilot;"Playhouse 90, "Bomber's Moon"

Watching Forever: Murder, She Wrote, "The Days Dwindle Down"

The Very Special Blog: Boy Meets World, ""B & B's B 'n B"

Below are some graphics you can use for the blogathon (or you can always make your own)!


Realweegiemidget Reviews said...

Hi Terence, I LOVE your banner of Vanessa it's just lovely. Can you add me to the blogathon with Hammer House of Horror (TV Series)- Visitor from the Grave (1980), from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

Terence Towles Canote said...

I got you added, Gill!

Mickey Yarber (Retro Rambler) said...

I'll play along. Put me down for the Twilight Zone's "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up" episode. This is Mickey from

Caftan Woman said...

You can count on me, but with what episode? The good news is, the field is narrowed down to two. It will be sorted in the next few days.

Terence Towles Canote said...

I got you down for it, Mickey!

J-Dub said...

I'd like to join with "Drought at Indianhead River" Season 3, Episode of my favorite TV show - "The Rockford Files"

J-Dub from Dubsism -

Caftan Woman said...

It's decided.

Put me down for Barney Miller: Fog, Season 6 1980, please.

Brian Schuck said...

Hi Terence! This looks like a lot of fun. Please put me down for O.B.I.T. from the first season of The Outer Limits (1963).

-- Brian at

Lê said...

I'm glad this event is back! I'd like to write about "Into Thin Air", an episode of the first season of Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
Le from Critica Retro

John V said...

Hi Terence, I'd like to cover "The Grim Reaper" a 1st season episode of Thriller, hosted by Boris Karloff.


John of John V's Eclectic Avenue:

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

I've been looking forward to this event! Please put me down to review The Andy Griffith Show ep "The Haunted House" (1963) at Hamlette's Soliloquy. Thanks for hosting this again!

Kayla said...

In honor of the late Dawn Wells, can I write about the "Gilligan's Island" episode, "Don't Bug the Mosquitos" ?

Kayla, Whimsically Classic

Charity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eva said...

I'd like to review the Mission: Impossible episode 'Submarine'. And the blog I'll be posting on is :)

Rebecca Deniston said...

Hi, Terence! I'd like to write about the "Forward Backward" episode of Red Dwarf, please. So glad you brought this back!

Jacqueline T. Lynch said...

Hi Terence,

I'd like to join the fun, if I may. My choice is the 1957-58 show DECOY, and the episode is "Fiesta at Midnight."

Thank you!

Another Old Movie Blog

Elisabeth Grace Foley said...

I'd like to join in with a post on the episode "The Remounts" from Stagecoach West.

Unknown said...

Hi Terence. I'd love to take part. This will give me something to do while I'm stuck in hospital and the specialists are encouraging my writing to keep my brain active. If I may, I want to cover a few episodes of I Love Lucy. Please put me down for season 4's "LA At Last" where William Holden makes a memorable guest appearance. I will get back to you with the other two episodes.


Terence Towles Canote said...

I got you down for it, Crystal!

18 Cinema Lane said...

Hello Terence! Would Kids Incorporated be eligible for the blogathon? I've never seen full episodes of the show, so I was planning on reviewing some episodes.

Terence Towles Canote said...

I got you down for Kids Incorporated!

Terence Towles Canote said...

Rob, I got you down! I am not sure why your comment isn't displaying.

Toni Ruberto said...

Hi Terence. I'm coming in right on deadline, but if you are still accepting ideas I would like to write about the "Murder, She Wrote" episode from Season 3 called "The Days Dwindle Down." Thanks.

Toni Ruberto
Blog: Watching Forever (

Terence Towles Canote said...

I got you down for it, Toni.

The Very Special Blog said...

Hi! I hope I'm not too late to sign up. I'd like to write about "B & B's B 'n B" from Boy Meets World.

Realweegiemidget Reviews said...

Hi there Terence, hope all good with you. Heres my review for the blogathon tomorrow. Looking forward to reading your entries...
from Gill at Realweegiemidget Reviews

John V said...

Hi Terence,

My post is up:

Looking forward to all the blogathon fun!


John V said...

Hey Terence,

My post is up;



John V said...

Hey Terence,

My post is up:



The Very Special Blog said...

Thank you for letting me join. Here is my post:

Brian Schuck said...

Hi Terence! Thanks for hosting -- looking forward to seeing all the contributions! Here's mine:

Charity said...

I hate having to drop out of things at the last minute, but am facing mental burnout at the moment and would rather pull out than offer something substandard. So please remove the Maverick listing for The Sacred in the Secular. Sorry and thanks!

Terence Towles Canote said...

I got it taken care of Charity! I hope you get to feeling better soon.