Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Announcing the Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon

I have decided to hold another blogathon. Unlike the British Invaders Blogathon I held last August, which was primarily dedicated to classic film, this one will be dedicated to classic television. I have given this blogathon the rather simple name of the "Favourite TV Show Episode Blogathon". The name sums it up. Bloggers will get to write about their favourite episodes of their favourite classic television shows. I am holding it from 27 March to 29 March 2015.

Here are the ground rules:

1. Posts in the blogathon must be about an episode from a scripted drama. Episodes of reality shows, talk shows, game shows, and variety shows are ineligible. That having been said, posts can be on episodes from any genre of scripted dramas: animated shows, anthology shows, detective shows, police procedurals, science fiction shows, situation comedies, and so on. I also have to say that episodes can be from scripted dramas that aired any time of day. They don't have to be from prime time alone. If one wanted to write about his or her favourite episode from his or her favourite Saturday morning cartoon, one could.

2. Because this blogathon is dedicated to classic television and I think a classic is something that must have stood the test of time, episodes must be from shows that are at least 25 years old. That means one cannot write posts on episodes from shows that debuted after 1990 (nothing from Friends, let alone The Big Bang Theory). Now here I want to point out that the episode itself does not have to be 25 years old, only the show on which it aired. Cheers debuted in 1982 and ran until 1993, so that its final seasons aired after 1990. Because Cheers is well over 25 years old, however, one could still write about an episode that aired in the 1992-1993 season.

3. Given my love of British television, it should come as no surprise that posts do not have to be about episodes from American shows alone. Posts can be about episodes from any show from any country as long as the show is a scripted drama and debuted over 25 years ago. If you want to write about your favourite episode of The Saint, The Little Hobo, Jaianto Robo, or Escrava Isaura, you can.

4.  I am asking that there please be no duplicates. That having been said, if someone has already chosen to cover "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet" from The Twilight Zone, someone else could still write about another Twilight Zone episode.

5. I am not going to schedule days for individual posts. All I ask is that the posts be made on or between 27 March, 28 March, or 29 March 2015.

6. On 27 March I will set up the page for the blogathon. I ask that you link your posts to that page. If you want you can use one of the graphics below or make your own!

If you want to participate in the Favourite Television Show Episode Blogathon, you can get a hold of me either on Twitter at mercurie80 or at my email:  mercurie80 at, or you can simply comment below.

Below I is a roster of participants and the topics they are covering. Come 27 March I will make a post that will include all of the posts in the blogathon.

Classic Movie Hub: Green Acres

The Movie Rat: Alfred Hitchcock Presents ""Incident in a Small Jail"

Barry Bradford--Speaking for a Change: Quantum Leap "The Leap Home"

A Shroud of Thoughts: The Avengers "A Touch of Brimstone"

The HORN Section: F Troop "Our Brave in F Troop"

The Man on the Flying Trapeze: The Dick Van Dyke Show "Scratch My Car and Die" 

Sister Celluloid: The Twilight Zone "Ring-A-Ding Girl"

How Sweet It Was: Star Trek "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield"

A Mythical Monkey: Lost in Space "No Place to Hide" (Pilot)

Prowler Needs a Jump :The Outer Limits "The Invisible Enemy"

TV Annotations: Murder, She Wrote "The Days Dwindle Down" 

The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog: The Wild Wild West "The Night the Wizard Shook the Earth"

Crítica Retrô: Get Smart "Mr. Big"

Margaret Perry: Are You Being Served "The Hold Up"

Caftan Woman: Ironside "One Hour to Kill"

In The Good Old Days Of Classic Hollywood: The Barbara Stanwyck Show "The Miraculous Journey Of Tadpole Chan"

TV Yesteryear: Lost in Space "All That Glitters"

Moon in Gemini: Fawlty Towers "Gourmet Night"

Girls Do Film: Twin Peaks “Zen, Or The Skill To Catch A Killer”

Wolffian Classics Movies Digest: Bewitched, " A Is for Aardvark"

Speakeasy: Have Gun--Will Travel "The Long Night"

Movie Movie Blog Blog: Monty Python's Flying Circus "The Cycling Tour"

The Second Sentence: The Virginian "Siege"

Kevman's Blog: The Partridge Family "But the Memory Lingers On"

Hamlette's Soliloquy: Combat! "The Walking Wounded"

Musing of an Introvert: I Love Lucy "Vacation from Marriage"

Solidmoonlight: The Dick Van Dyke Show "It May Look Like a Walnut"

The Wonderful World of Cinema: The Donna Reed Show "The Caravan"

Pop Culture Reverie. : Twin Peaks "Pilot"

Coffee, Classics and Craziness: Combat "Masquerade"

The Stop Button: The Twilight Zone "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet"


John Hitchcock said...

I like this idea. It's certainly an interesting thing to think about, but I'm not sure I'll be able to do it. Things are hectic enough right now with classes starting.

I'd have an easier time doing this kind of thing in the summer, so if you want to run something then or even do some sort of collaboration (something I have been considering, though I don't have any immediate plans) I'd be open to it.

I do also have an idea for a blogathon I'm looking at starting in April. If it's any interest I can let you see the banner I made as a teaser:

Mythical Monkey said...

I'd like to write one -- an episode of either Jonny Quest, Lost in Space or The Wild, Wild West. I'll kick it around in my head and see which episode jumps out of my subconscious.

Irish Jayhawk said...

I would LOVE to participate but the timing couldn't be worse. We go the TCMFF on those exact dates. I'd do it earlier but I'm already planning to go & return longer, plus I'm already commited to that PreCode blogathon that immediately follows (starts when I get back). Bummer!

Terence Towles Canote said...

Unfortunately, this summer really wouldn't work for me. I have the British Invaders blogathon this August!

Mythical Monkey, let me know when you decide. Any of those shows would be great!

Kellee, I completely forgot that TCMFF was at that time. If too many people can't do it I guess I might have to reschedule!

Hal said...

Hey, count me in. I'm 7 episodes into the F TROOP episode guide, but haven't done my favorite ep yet; I'll save it for the blogathon. ;)

David said...

Hi, Terence -- I would like to write about the "Scratch My Car and Die" episode of "The Dick Van Dyke Show." Thanks!


Unknown said...

What a great idea, Terry! Could I do "Ring-A-Ding Girl" from "The Twilight Zone" for Sister Celluloid?

Citizen Screen said...

Terrific topic, Terry!!! I might choose one or two more, but my first choice is from Star Trek Original Series - Episode: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield" (Jan. 1969)

Aurora - to be posted on How Sweet It Was blog. :)

Terence Towles Canote said...

Hal, I'll put you down for F Troop and you can pick the episode later! That reminds me I still have that show's second season to watch!

David, that is a good one! I've gotten you down for it.

Sister Celluloid, I have you down for "Ring-A-Ding Girl"

Aurora, you're down for "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield".

Hal said...

Thanks Terence! Actually I'll go ahead and pick it--I have a two way tie, but I'll go with "Our Brave in F Troop" from Season Two.

Mythical Monkey said...

What I would really like to write about is Lost in Space -- how they chopped up the pilot "No Place To Hide" into the series' first five episodes, added Doctor Smith and the Robot and in the process made the show both more interesting while sowing the seeds of its demise.

It's the sort of essay that only I will read, but it's been rolling around in my head for decades and needs to be let out to bother somebody else for a change.

Terence Towles Canote said...

Hal, I've gotten you down for "Our brave in F Troop".

Mythical, I think that is a great idea for a post. I've put you down for the Lost in Space pilot then.

peccaui said...


I'd love to participate. Can you put me down for Murder, She Wrote's 'The Days Dwindle Down’ for TV Annotations?

Terence Towles Canote said...

peccaui, I'll get you down for it. What is the URL for you blog?

peccaui said...

TV Annotations is at:

Thanks, Terence!

Terence Towles Canote said...

peccau, I've gotten you down for it.

Dan Day, Jr. said...

Hi Terence...this is Dan from The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog. I would like to write a post on "The Wild Wild West" episode "The Night the Wizard Shook the Earth".

Terence Towles Canote said...

I got you down for it, Day!

Lê said...

Terry, I must confess I had a hard time choosing one episode!
But I finally decided: I want to write about Mr Big, the pilot of Get Smart!

Terence Towles Canote said...

Lê, I have gotten you down for "Mr. Big" from Get Smart!

Unknown said...

May I write about "The Hold Up" (S10E03 (1985)) episode of Are You Being Served??

Terence Towles Canote said...

Margaret, I have you down for Are You Being Served's episode "The Hold Up"

Caftan Woman said...

Paddy here, aka "Caftan Woman". I'm a girl who loves my classic TV and I want to thank you for making my morning miserable by having to choose from among my babies.

I would love to participate with a piece on IRONSIDE: ONE HOUR TO KILL.

Terence Towles Canote said...

I'm sorry, Paddy! If it's any consolation, I hope this will be an annual event so you'll have many years to address your various favourites! I have to admit I had trouble just picking one too.

Anyhow, I've gotten you down for Ironside "One Hour to Kill".

Caftan Woman said...

It was a delightful conundrum. Hooray! I'll get started on "the Chief".

Debbie Vega said...

Hi, Terry!

I'm very surprised no one has claimed any Fawlty Towers episodes! So I will take one.

Please put me down for personal favorite episode, which is Gourmet Night. If someone else wants to do The Germans, they can have it. :)

Terence Towles Canote said...

Debra, I have you down for the Fawlty Towers episode "Gourmet Night". I'm glad you're doing it! For a while there I thought Margaret and I were the only ones doing a British show!

Spiritually Cramped said...

If I write about an early Twin Peaks episode would that be eligible? The first episode was aired on the April 8, 1990.... *hopeful face*
- Vicki, GirlsDoFilm

Terence Towles Canote said...

Since Twin Peaks debuted in 1990 I'll go ahead and count it! Which episode do you want to write about?

jadedartemiz said...

My name is joey. my blog is wolffian classics movies digest " I would love to review Bewitched: Season 1, Episode 17 A Is for Aardvark

Terence Towles Canote said...

I've gotten you added, Joey!

Steve Bailey said...

I am a huge Monty Python fan. I would love to write a blog about "The Cycling Tour," the only episode of "Monty Python's Flying Circus" that has a complete storyline from start to finish. My blog is:
Please email me if you approve:

Elisabeth Grace Foley said...

I'd like to join in on this, if I may! I'll take The Virginian episode "Siege." My blog is

Terence Towles Canote said...

I got it added, Elisabeth!

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

Hi! I'd love to write about my favorite episode from Combat! (1962-67), namely "The Walking Wounded," on my blog Hamlette's Soliloquy.

Terence Towles Canote said...

I got it added, Hamlette!

Carissa (Regency Woman) said...

I'd like to sign up for I Love Lucy, if I may. Found you through Hamlette's advertisement. :)

Terence Towles Canote said...

Which episode of I Love Lucy do you want to write about, Carissa?

Carissa (Regency Woman) said...

I'll do Vacation from Marriage in season 2.

Terence Towles Canote said...

Carissa, I have you down for it.

Phyl said...

I would like to do The Dick Van Dyke Show - 2:21 "It May Look Like a Walnut."



Terence Towles Canote said...

Phjyl, I got it added!

Annmarie Gatti said...

Hi Terence,

I actually finished my post early. Here is the link. It will go live on March 27 8AM EST... but wanted to ensure you had the link and the info...

I covered the Green Acres episode “Love Comes to Arnold Ziffel” (Season Three, Episode Two from Sept 20, 1967)

Terence Towles Canote said...

Thanks for letting me know, Annmarie!

Virginie Pronovost said...

Hi! I would love to write about The Donna Reed Show's episode "The Caravan". This one is so much fun!

My blog is The Wonderful World of Cinema


Terence Towles Canote said...

I got it added, Virginie!

Robin Franson Pruter said...


My name is Robin Franson Pruter. My blog is Pop Culture Reverie.

I would like to sign up to do the pilot episode of Twin Peaks. I don't think that one has been selected yet. My back-up would be "Murder in a Minor Key" from Murder, She Wrote.

Steve Bailey said...


I, too, have finished my post early. I'll link to your page on March 27, but in the meantime, here is my link to my review of Monty Python's Flying Circus' "The Cycling Tour":

Terence Towles Canote said...

I got it down, Robin.

Thanks, Steve!

Eva said...

I know I'm joining the party pretty late, but I just heard about this blog party and I'd love to join. If I'm still able to write a post for this, the episode I'd write about is "Masquerade" from the WWII TV show, 'Combat!' :)

Terence Towles Canote said...

Eva, I got you down for it!

Eva said...

I actually moved my blog a while back - the new title is Coffee, Classics and Craziness (, so if you could change the name on the list, that'd be great. :)

Terence Towles Canote said...

Eva, I got it corrected!

Red Team said...


Here is the link to Ring-ading girl! Thank you for letting me join your fabulous party!! <3

Andrew Wickliffe said...


Can I sign up at the last minute with my "favorite" episode of The Chrysler Theater--Seven Miles Of Bad Road (from '63)?

I use quotation marks because I've never actually seen any episodes of the show before so it's going to be my technical favorite...

Terence Towles Canote said...

Yes, you can sign up, Andrew! I've never seen that episode either, although I have always wanted to.

Hal said...

Here's the link to "Our Brave in F Troop", Terry:

David said...

Hi, Terence -- Here's the link to my blogathon entry about "The Dick Van Dyke Show":

Thanks for doing this!

Hamlette (Rachel) said...

Good morning! My contribution to the blogathon is up here :-)

Andrew Wickliffe said...

Wait... Terry... no one's doing Nightmare at 20,000 feet?!?! I'm changing to that if it's okay.

Terence Towles Canote said...

That's fine, Andrew! To tell you the truth, I thought would be the first Twilight Zone episode chosen!

Quiggy said...

I used to blog years ago, but most of my blogs are now dormant. Too bad. I think a blogathon is a cool idea, and I for one would get into it. My favorite TV Episode is without a doubt WKRP in Cincinati's "Turkeys Away" episode. said...

Here's my entry for the blogathon.

Andrew Wickliffe said...

Got my post up...

Carissa (Regency Woman) said...

All finished with mine too. That was fun!